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What Are the Typical Work Day Hours at a Major Consulting Firm? An In-Depth Look

Flavio Soriano

Flavio Soriano

Former Arthur D Little and McKinsey Consultant

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What Are the Typical Work Day Hours at a Major Consulting Firm? An In-Depth Look

Do consultants really work 70 hours a week? What does a typical day even look like for them? 

I was curious, so I dug into the crazy schedules of high-powered consulting firms. What I found shocked me. 

So here, in this article, I’ll share what are the typical work day hours at major consulting firms. (You’ll see why consultants chug coffee and energy drinks.)

I’ll also reveal tips so you can handle the workload or decide if this career is right for you at all. 

Think you can survive a consultant’s exhausting routine? Read the article to find out.

What Are the Typical Work Day Hours at a Consulting Firm?

Here’s the thing – there’s really no such thing as a “typical” day when you’re a consultant. Asking what a normal day looks like is kind of like asking what a normal day is like for a firefighter – it completely depends on whether there are any fires to put out!

But even though no two days are the same, there are some general expectations when it comes to working hours.

The Baseline: 60-70 Hour Work Weeks

Once you enter the world of consulting, be prepared to say goodbye to the standard 40-hour work week. For most consultants, the norm is a staggering 60-70 hours per week. That’s nearly double what many professionals in other industries work!

But here’s the kicker – 60-70 hours is just the average. During crunch times, like when you’re preparing for a huge client presentation, the hours can skyrocket up to 80-90 hours per week. And in extreme situations, I’ve even seen cases where consultants worked 100-hour weeks.

Factors Influencing Work Hours in Consulting

At this point, you might be wondering – why in the world are the hours so extreme in consulting? Well, it’s not just because consultants love the office so much (although some might argue otherwise)! There are a few key factors that come into play:

  • Project Demands: Some projects are more intense than others. A short-term 2 week project might require burning the midnight oil, while a long-term 6 month implementation study could offer a more balanced schedule.
  • Location: Believe it or not, geography matters when it comes to consulting hours. Offices in certain cities like Hong Kong or Dubai are notorious for longer hours, while consultants in places like Amsterdam or Sydney might enjoy more work-life balance. More on geographical differences later.
  • Client Expectations: Some clients demand 24/7 availability, while others are more respectful of work-life boundaries. This can significantly impact hours.
  • Seniority: Junior consultants often log the longest hours as they learn the ropes. As you move up the ranks, you usually gain more control over your schedule.
  • Personal Efficiency: Your own working style and productivity has a huge impact on hours. Learning to work smart and maximize your efforts can save you many late nights in the office.

A Typical Work Day in the Life of a Consultant

Handsome successful businessman in suit, sit his office with laptop, drinking coffee, ready work productive

Alright, now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s zoom in and take a closer look at what a “typical” day in the life of a consultant might look like. Remember though – no two days are ever exactly the same!

The Early Morning Routine (Start Time: 7-8 AM)

Many consultants are early risers out of necessity. Starting your day at 7 or 8 AM is very common, especially when you’re working on-site at a client’s office. This early start allows you to:

  • Get a head start on emails
  • Prepare for any meetings happening that morning
  • Review presentations and make any last-minute tweaks
  • Catch up on industry news and anything you might have missed the evening before

Pro Tip: I’ve developed an approach I call the “Power Hour” technique. Use the first 60 minutes of your day for high-impact tasks that require focus. It really sets a productive tone for the rest of the day.

Core Working Hours (9 AM – 7 PM or Later)

The meat of your workday as a consultant will likely be packed with a wide variety of activities including:

  • Client meetings and workshops
  • Crunching numbers, analyzing data, and conducting research
  • Collaborating with team members on projects
  • Developing presentations and reports
  • Problem-solving and strategy sessions

This is where the real value creation happens and where you’ll learn the most. It’s intense and varied, but it’s also where you really dive into tackling complex challenges.

And for many consultants, the workday doesn’t end once they leave the office. It’s common to continue working into the evening:

  • Putting finishing touches on deliverables
  • Replying to emails that piled up during the day
  • Preparing for meetings and presentations the following day
  • Joining calls with team members located in different time zones

Weekend Work – What’s the Reality?

While consulting firms are increasingly prioritizing work-life balance, weekend work is still a reality for many in the industry. This might involve activities like:

  • Catching up on loose ends from projects earlier in the week
  • Preparing presentations and deliverables for the week ahead
  • Conducting additional research, analysis, or number-crunching
  • Strategic planning and priority setting for the coming week

How Do Work Hours Compare Across Major Consulting Firms?

Not all consulting firms were created equal when it comes to typical work hours and expectations. Let’s break down how schedules differ across some of the major players in the industry:

MBB Firms – Long Days and Even Longer Nights

The “Big 3” management consulting firms of McKinsey, Bain, and BCG are notorious for their grueling around-the-clock schedules. Out of all the consulting firms, these three tend to demand the longest hours.

  • Average Work Week: 70-80 hours
  • Crunch Time Periods: Can exceed 90+ hours

The pressure is intense at these prestigious firms, but so are the rewards. MBB tends to attract ultra-high achievers who thrive in hard-driving environments.

Big Four Firms – A Slightly More Balanced Lifestyle

The “Big Four” accounting and consulting firms of Deloitte, PwC, EY, and KPMG generally offer slightly better work-life balance compared to MBB.

  • Average Work Week: 60-70 hours
  • Crunch Time Periods: Can reach 80 hours

While still demanding, consultants at these firms may find a bit more breathing room in their schedules versus MBB.

Boutique Firms – Work Cultures Vary Widely

Boutique consulting firms can range wildly when it comes to their work cultures and expectations. Some boutiques mirror the 24/7 intensity of MBB, while others focus heavily on work-life balance.

  • Average Work Week: Broad range of 50-70 hours
  • Crunch Time: Can match MBB firms during critical project periods

The key is doing your research on individual boutique firm cultures to find the right match.

What’s the Psychological Impact of Long Consulting Hours

The intense consulting lifestyle takes a mental and emotional toll. Let’s look at the psychology.

Watch Out for Burnout – Know the Warning Signs

The high-intensity pressure cooker environment of consulting can lead to immense stress. And if not managed properly, eventual burnout. Here are some common symptoms to watch out for:

  • Constant exhaustion, even after a full night’s sleep
  • Difficulty concentrating and lack of motivation
  • Increased irritability and mood swings
  • Persistent headaches or stomach issues
  • Feeling detached from your work and losing passion

Recognizing these early warning signs is crucial to avoid reaching the point of burnout. I’ve developed a simple daily “3 Question Check-In” to monitor your stress levels.

Coping Strategies for Thriving in Demanding Work Cultures

To survive and thrive in the consulting pressure cooker, having robust coping strategies is a must. Here are some of my top recommended techniques:

  • Daily Meditation: Even just 5-10 minutes of mindful breathing can center and ground your mind.
  • Regular Exercise: Physical activity is one of the most powerful stress antidotes out there.
  • Friend Check-Ins: Stay socially connected outside of work to maintain perspective.
  • Unplugging Strategically: Set work-free zones like the dinner table or weekends.
  • Morning Energy Ritual: Start each day doing an activity that energizes you before the chaos begins.

Keeping your mental health in check isn’t just good for you personally – it makes you a better consultant too.

How to Manage Expectations and Thrive in Consulting

So how do you not just survive, but truly thrive and flourish within the demanding world of consulting? Here are some key strategies:

Time Management Tips for Workplace Productivity

Becoming a master of effective time management is mission-critical. Here are a few techniques I recommend consultants master:

  • The Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.
  • Time Blocking: Map out blocks for focused work, meetings, etc.
  • Batching: Group similar tasks to maximize efficiency.
  • The 2-Minute Rule: Do any task immediately if it takes less than 2 minutes. Avoid procrastination.

I’ve combined these methods into a comprehensive system I call the “Consultant’s Productivity Blueprint”. It will change your productivity game.

Setting Boundaries and Communicating Your Needs

Learning to set clear boundaries and communicate your needs is essential. Here’s how to do it while still being a team player:

  • Be direct about when you are and aren’t available. Then stick to it.
  • Proactively coordinate with colleagues about bandwidth and workload.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no to non-essential requests.
  • Use tools like Slack status indicators to align on availability.

Remember, boundaries aren’t about doing less work – they’re about working smarter long-term.

Does it Get Better? Career Progression and Work-Life Balance

The good news is that work-life balance often improves naturally as you move up the ranks in consulting. Here’s what to expect:

  • Junior Consultants: Long hours, less control over schedule
  • Senior Consultants: More autonomy, ability to delegate tasks
  • Managers/Partners: Greater influence over workload, but also bigger responsibilities

So while the sheer hours don’t necessarily decrease significantly over time, your ability to manage them often gets better with experience.

Bottom Line: Is Consulting Right for You?

So is consulting the right move after this deep dive into the hours? Some final thoughts:

  • Consulting offers immense learning and growth
  • The work is challenging but deeply rewarding
  • Long hours come with the territory
  • Success requires hard work plus self-care and smart work

Deciding on a consulting career is deeply personal – it depends on your goals, work style, and trade-offs you’re willing to make.

No career path is set in stone. Many consultants leverage the experience to launch into exciting new opportunities. Whatever you choose, ensure it aligns with your values and aspirations.

If you’re up for the challenge, consulting could be an adventure of a lifetime. (Just don’t forget to pack your alarm clock – and some extra-strong coffee!)

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