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What are Some MECE Ways to Grow Market Share? A Guide for Consultants

Flavio Soriano

Flavio Soriano

Former Arthur D Little and McKinsey Consultant

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What are Some MECE Ways to Grow Market Share? A Guide for Consultants

Striving to boost your client’s market share but feel stuck in the mud? I’ve been in your shoes. But now, as an experienced consultant, I know that with the right strategy and execution, growth is within reach. 

In this article, I’ll share a proven step-by-step MECE framework to guide your efforts. You’ll get actionable plans to win customers from rivals and nudge those market share numbers up. 

Sound good? Then let’s do this!

What is MECE and Its Value for Market Share Growth

Before diving into specific tactics, it’s crucial to understand MECE thinking. MECE stands for “Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive”.

It’s a simple yet powerful framework for tackling any strategic challenge, especially market share growth. Here’s what it means:

Mutually Exclusive – Each idea or category is distinct, with no overlap. Like pieces of a puzzle fitting perfectly together.

Collectively Exhaustive – All ideas and categories combined cover every possible option. No stone is left unturned.

Take organizing a closet as an analogy. Each item goes in a specific drawer or hanger (mutually exclusive). Once everything is put away, every item has a place (collectively exhaustive).

Now you may be wondering – why should we care about MECE for growing market share?

Here are 3 key reasons:

  • Clarity – Eliminates confusion from overlapping ideas or double-counting opportunities.
  • Completeness – Ensures you cover all potential growth avenues so nothing is missed.
  • Strategic Focus – Allows for targeted, prioritized action plans rather than scattered efforts.

In my consulting experience, the MECE lens brings tremendous value. It transforms messy strategic challenges into well-organized frameworks for action.

With market share growth, MECE thinking helps consultants and clients allocate resources effectively. It prevents wasted efforts due to overlap or gaps.

To illustrate how MECE thinking applies to market share growth, consider this breakdown of growth levers:”

Category Growth Levers Examples
Product Existing Products Pricing strategies, Quality improvements
New Products Innovation, Line extensions
Market Current Markets Customer retention, Share of wallet increase
New Markets Geographic expansion, New customer segments
Channels Direct Channels E-commerce, Company-owned stores
Indirect Channels Distributors, Retailers, Affiliates
Capabilities Internal Capabilities Process optimization, Talent development
External Capabilities Strategic partnerships, Acquisitions

Let’s now explore market share growth strategies through a MECE framework.

The Organic Growth Framework: A MECE Approach for Sustainable Gains

Organic growth forms the core of any long-term market share expansion plan. Too often consultants jump right to acquisitions as a quick fix.

But for sustainable gains, smart organic growth strategies come first. Here is an easy-to-remember MECE framework – PIPES:

Penetrate existing markets

Innovate offerings

Produce more efficiently

Expand to new markets

Strengthen capabilities

Let’s go through each element.

Penetrating Existing Markets

This involves squeezing more value from current customers and markets. Start here before entering the new turf.

Boost pricing power

Price greatly impacts market share. Here are 3 pricing tactics:

  • Value-based pricing – Align price to perceived value, not just costs. Explore willingness to pay.
  • Dynamic pricing – Adjust price based on demand fluctuations. Especially effective for seasonal businesses.
  • Psychological pricing – Leverage charm prices like $9.99 instead of $10.

Pro tip: Avoid simplistic “lower prices = higher share” thinking. Sometimes, price increases boost profitability, allowing greater share gains through other means.

Enhance customer loyalty

Loyal customers are less likely to switch to competitors. Consider:

  • Loyalty programs with points or rewards for repeat purchases
  • Exclusive perks and early access for top customers
  • Personalized communication tailored to purchase history

According to Bain & Company, boosting retention by just 5% can increase profits by 25-95% through reduced churn.

Refine value proposition

Rethink how you showcase your product’s value:

  • Highlight differentiated features or benefits
  • Craft compelling stories and brand image
  • Provide superior after-sales support

Value transcends products alone. Reexamine every touchpoint through the customer’s eyes.

Innovating Offerings

New and improved products keep customers engaged and attract new segments.

Launch new products

Innovation isn’t just for tech companies. Consider:

  • Market research to identify underserved needs
  • Line extensions of existing products
  • Limited test launches to refine offerings

Remember to fail fast and iterate. Not every product will be a hit.

Enhance existing products

Sometimes small enhancements are enough to stay competitive:

  • Gather user feedback to identify improvement areas
  • Monitor industry and technology trends
  • Invest in R&D for continuous innovation

Even incremental improvements to features or design can work wonders.

Diversify product portfolio

Expanding into complementary products can help retain customers:

  • Enter adjacent markets that leverage your strengths
  • Consider white-label or licensing opportunities
  • Create ecosystems around your product

Ensure new products align with your overall brand and capabilities for success.

Improving Production Efficiency

More efficient operations free up resources for growth initiatives.

Streamline processes

Take an outside-in approach to identify waste:

  • Map processes end-to-end from the customers’ perspective
  • Implement lean practices to boost flow and reduce waste
  • Look for bottlenecks causing delays or quality issues

As Toyota knows well, small changes compound over time into major efficiency gains.

Optimize supply chain management

A world-class supply chain confers advantage:

  • Forecast demand to match inventory to needs
  • Consider vertical integration for essential components
  • Use just-in-time inventory to reduce costs

When supply chains are strategic assets, you can respond faster to market changes.

Reduce costs

Ruthless cost focus frees up capital for growth:

  • Conduct zero-based cost reviews to identify savings
  • Outsource non-core functions
  • Negotiate win-win supplier terms

But beware of cost-cutting that compromises quality or customer experience.

Expanding to New Markets

Once you’ve maximized current markets, expanding into new ones is the next frontier.

Enter new geographies

Choose target regions carefully:

  • Size up addressable demand with market research
  • Adapt products and messaging for local nuances
  • Partner with local companies to accelerate entry

Avoid assuming different cultures have the same needs. Local relevance is key.

Target new customer segments

Hidden gems may lie in your backyard:

  • Identify underserved segments in the existing customer base
  • Create detailed buyer personas to guide positioning
  • Use marketing channels favored by each segment

Customizing for new segments often requires adjustments to product mix and pricing.

Expand distribution channels

More channels means more access to customers:

  • Add e-commerce if you’re brick-and-mortar (and vice versa)
  • Sell through emerging social commerce platforms
  • Partner with complementary brands or retailers

Evaluate each new channel carefully based on overhead costs and target audience.

Strengthening Organizational Capabilities

Expanding market share depends on internal capabilities too. I call this the ELITE model:

Enhance efficiency

Leverage technology

Invest in innovation

Transform culture

Elevate talent

Let’s examine each element.

Enhance Efficiency

We’ve already covered process improvements and cost optimization. Other efficiency plays include:

  • Automation to reduce manual tasks
  • Centralizing functions to eliminate redundancies
  • Shared services models to drive economies of scale

With improved efficiency, resources can be redirected to growth initiatives.

Leverage Technology

Emerging technologies can catalyze growth:

  • AI and machine learning for personalization and predicting demand
  • IoT and big data for real-time insights
  • AR/VR to enrich customer engagement

Technology for technology’s sake is pointless. Maintain focus on solving business challenges.

Invest in Innovation

Beyond R&D, create a culture of innovation:

  • Set aside resources for pilot projects and experiments
  • Incentivize employees to contribute ideas
  • Collaborate with partners, startups, and universities

Think big picture. Innovation extends beyond products to processes, business models, and customer experience.

Transform Culture

Growth depends on people. Foster a culture that aligns behaviors to strategy:

  • Clarify values and cultivate purpose beyond profits
  • Encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing
  • Allow failure and experimentation

With the right culture, employees will go the extra mile required for growth.

Elevate Talent

A-players drive outsized results:

  • Seek talent from diverse backgrounds
  • Identify high-potentials and give stretch assignments
  • Provide mentoring and training for skill development

Great talent is hard to find but well worth the investment.

With the PIPES and ELITE models, consultants have MECE frameworks to diagnose clients’ needs and develop holistic organic growth strategies. Next, let’s examine inorganic approaches.

Inorganic Growth Strategies: A MECE Framework for Acquisitions and Partnerships

While organic growth forms the base, inorganic moves can accelerate market share gains. Used judiciously, these strategies expand market share rapidly. Let’s explore them.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

M&A holds instant promise and also peril. Approaches include:

  • Acquire direct competitors to consolidate market share. Results in more customers and market power. But risks regulatory pushback.
  • Acquire companies vertically in your supply chain for improved quality control and cost efficiencies. But truly integrating operations is challenging.
  • Diversify into new sectors as a conglomerate. Provides risk mitigation across diverse markets. But complex to manage varied businesses.

With M&A, weigh benefits against massive integration costs and risks.

Strategic Alliances and Partnerships

businessman shaking hands with his partner at workplace

Partnerships can achieve growth goals without acquiring entire companies.

  • Joint ventures (JVs) allow partners to combine strengths. Shared costs and risks in entering new markets. Access specialized skills. Relatively simple to establish. However, partners must align on strategy and economics.
  • Licensing intellectual property unlocks earning potential, with low-risk market entry and high-margin license fees. However, license misuse can damage brand’s reputation.
  • Co-branding combines complementary brands for greater appeal. Taps into partner’s audience and enables richer joint offerings. But complex to execute well, with brand dilution risks.

Partnerships allow growth with lower costs and risks than M&A – but still require diligent vetting.

Acquire Product Licenses

Sometimes licensing products is the fastest path to growth:

  • License established brands or characters to temporarily boost appeal.
  • License technologies to incorporate into existing products.
  • License turnkey solutions to quickly establish a new product line.

Licensing works best for spin-off products rather than core offerings. Ensure quality control.

Pursue Synergistic Acquisitions

Seek deals with clear synergies:

  • Geographic synergies – Acquire presence in a new market.
  • Product synergies – Expand portfolio breadth.
  • Channel synergies – Gain new distribution pipelines.
  • Cost synergies – Consolidate redundant functions.

Pinpoint targets offering synergies tied directly to strategic goals for optimal impact.

Blending organic and inorganic strategies sustains market share gains over time.

Best Practices for Implementing Market Share Growth Strategies

We’ve now covered a multitude of strategies across the MECE framework. Here are some expert tips for bringing them to life:

Clarify priorities based on impact and effort

Use the Impact-Effort Prioritization Matrix:

  • High Impact, Low Effort – Quick wins; pursue first
  • High Impact, High Effort – Major initiatives requiring planning
  • Low Impact, Low Effort – “Nice-to-haves” if resources allow
  • Low Impact, High Effort – Avoid unless critical

This clears clutter so you can focus on game-changing moves.

Balance short-term and long-term horizons

Tempting to obsess over immediate gains, but don’t lose sight of the future.

  • Use 70/20/10 budgeting: 70% to core business, 20% to emerging opportunities, 10% to moonshots.
  • Set quarterly KPIs as well as 3-5 year strategic objectives.
  • Continuously review strategy mix for short-term versus long-term balance.

Sustainable market share requires playing both short and long games.

Remain agile and adaptable

Markets change. Strategies must evolve along with them.

  • Build strategy reviews into quarterly business planning.
  • Monitor real-time market data to quickly spot trends.
  • Foster a culture of experimentation and learning from failure.

Market share growth is not a one-and-done initiative, but rather an ongoing journey.

Customize approaches based on client needs

Avoid one-size-fits-all strategies. Align to client realities:

  • The diagnostic phase to deeply understand the market landscape and internal capabilities
  • Co-create strategies that play to existing strengths
  • Phase approaches over time as clients build capacity

Not every strategy will apply. Select ones that best-fit client dynamics.

Measure impact and course-correct

Strong analytics separate effective growth strategies from wishful thinking.

  • Establish KPI dashboards to monitor strategy impact
  • Build feedback loops to refine approaches based on data
  • Share results visibly to keep leadership engaged

Getting the metrics right allows data-driven strategy adaptation.

By combining MECE frameworks, disciplined prioritization, and customization, consultants can craft powerful market share growth strategies tailored to each client’s unique needs and objectives.

The key is balancing short-term performance improvement with long-term capability building for sustainable gains. When done right, market share growth unlocks tremendous value for clients – and deepens trusted advisor relationships.

As you implement market share growth strategies, be aware of these common pitfalls that can derail your efforts:”

Pitfall Description Mitigation Strategy
Neglecting Profitability Pursuing market share at the expense of margins Balance growth with profitability metrics
Ignoring Customer Needs Focusing on competition instead of customer value Prioritize customer-centric strategies and feedback loops
Overreliance on Price Cuts Using price as the primary competitive lever Focus on value creation and differentiation
Neglecting Core Business Chasing new markets at the expense of existing ones Maintain focus on the core while exploring new opportunities
Poor Post-M&A Integration Failing to realize synergies after acquisitions Develop robust integration plans pre-acquisition

In Closing

Expanding market share is a multifaceted challenge requiring both strategy and flawless execution. As a consultant, you now have an organizing framework in the form of MECE as well as a toolbox of proven growth levers.

But remember – the client knows their business best. Collaboration and co-creation are key. Together assess the landscape, pressure test assumptions, and construct the optimal path forward.

Stay flexible, monitor results, and keep enhancing the strategy mix. Market share gains come from the compounding impact of many small wins over time, not silver bullet solutions.

With the right partnership, perseverance, and commitment to customers, significant market share growth is absolutely within reach. Let’s get out there and make it happen!

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