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How to Improve on Graph/Chart Reading? Tips for Consultants

Flavio Soriano

Flavio Soriano

Former Arthur D Little and McKinsey Consultant

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How to Improve on Graph/Chart Reading? Tips for Consultants

Are you gearing up for a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) fit interview? Feeling a bit nervous and want to know what it’s all about? Don’t worry!

I’ll tell you what to expect during a BCG fit interview and how you can totally rock it. Let’s start this off right by taking a deep breath and getting into the right mindset. 

Ready? Here you go!

What is the BCG Fit Interview Process

First things first – what exactly is a “fit interview” anyway?

Here’s a quick 101…

The fit interview is a really important part of BCG’s hiring process. They use it specifically to assess whether you’d be a good culture add for BCG.

You see, BCG wants to make absolutely sure you’re not just book smart, but that you’d also thrive in their fast-paced environment and embody their values.

They’re looking for future leaders who can build strong relationships and crush it on client projects.

So the fit interview gives them a chance to get to know the real you and see if you’d be a good match.

The Purpose and Importance of the Fit Interview

Specifically, the fit interview serves a few key goals:

  • Finding out what motivates you and your career ambitions
  • Testing your people skills and communication abilities
  • Evaluating your leadership potential and teamwork skills
  • Determining if your values and personality fit BCG’s culture

Getting the fit part right matters just as much as acing the case portion. Many smart candidates still fail the fit interview, even if they totally nailed the case.

Duration and Structure

The BCG fit interview usually takes 15-20 minutes. It normally happens at the start of your interview slot, before diving into any cases.

The structure is pretty fluid. The interviewer just asks questions to learn more about the wonderful you! It’s not a rigid script like some firms use.

This allows the conversation to flow naturally. Think of it more as a chat over coffee rather than an interrogation.

What BCG Is Looking For

Through their questions, BCG interviewers want to assess a few key things:

  • Leadership abilities – Can you mobilize and inspire a team?
  • Teamwork skills – Do you collaborate well with others?
  • Problem-solving – Can you think critically to drive solutions?
  • Adaptability – Are you flexible and eager to take on new challenges?
  • Motivation – Do you have the drive to consistently deliver excellence?
  • Communication skills – Can you articulate your thoughts clearly and persuasively?
  • Client-readiness – Would clients trust you and enjoy working with you?

Keep these areas in mind as you prepare. You want your answers to highlight your strengths in these competencies.

Common BCG Fit Interview Questions – What to Expect?

Young client discussing project with executive manager in contemporary workplace

Now let’s get into the fun part – the types of questions you can expect!

Being prepared with some solid answers for these will help you feel relaxed and ready to wow them.

“Tell me about yourself” / Resume walk-through

This open-ended question is often used as an icebreaker. It’s a chance to give the SparkNotes version of your background and make an awesome first impression.

Here’s an effective structure I recommend, which I call the “Highlight Reel Method”:

  • Start with a quick 1-2 sentence intro about yourself
  • Hit 3-4 highlights from your background – choose exciting experiences or achievements that show off your strengths
  • Explain why those moments make you interested in consulting and BCG specifically
  • End with a forward-looking statement about your goals and growth areas

Aim for around 2 minutes max. You want to hook their interest and give them natural follow-up questions to dig deeper.

Motivation Questions

Expect questions like “Why consulting?” and the crucial “Why BCG specifically?”.

These assess whether you really want to do consulting work and if you truly want to be at BCG. They want people who are genuinely pumped about the job.

For “Why consulting?”, talk about things like:

  • Solving complex problems
  • The constant learning from new industries and roles
  • The fast pace and collaborative team environment

When answering “Why BCG?”, avoid generic, Fluff responses. Do your research and get specific about why their firm excites you. For instance:

  • You’re jazzed about BCG’s work in an industry you love
  • You connect with their core values and culture
  • You love their unique approaches like the Strategy Lab
  • A certain practice area or office location appeals to you

Behavioral and Situational Questions

BCG loves specific examples, so expect questions like:

  • Tell me about a time you led a team through a challenge.
  • When have you influenced peers to achieve a goal?
  • Describe a situation where you overcame an obstacle.

Come equipped with stories of how you’ve demonstrated leadership, teamwork, drive, communication, and other key skills.

Use the STAR method – Situation, Task, Action, Result – to structure your answers. Keep them around 2-3 minutes max.

Questions About Failures and Feedback

BCG wants to see that you can learn from mistakes and be coached. Prepare for questions like:

  • Tell me about a time you failed. What did you learn from it?
  • Describe a tough feedback you received. How did you respond?

Discuss failures briefly, own your role in them, and focus most on the lessons you learned. Demonstrate growth and self-reflection.

Strengths and Weaknesses

You’ll likely be asked to share 2-3 top strengths and 1-2 areas you want to improve.

Make sure your strengths align with BCG’s core skills like problem-solving, leadership, collaboration, etc.

When naming weaknesses, share a genuine growth area, the steps you’re taking to improve it, and an example of progress you’ve already made. This shows self-awareness.

To help you prepare more effectively, here’s a breakdown of common BCG fit interview question categories with sample questions:

Question CategoryPurposeSample Questions
Personal BackgroundUnderstand your journey and motivations• “Walk me through your resume.”

• “What’s the most important decision you’ve made in your life?”

Leadership ExperienceAssess your ability to lead and influence• “Tell me about a time you led a team through a difficult situation.”

• “How do you motivate others?”

Problem-SolvingEvaluate your analytical and creative thinking• “Describe a complex problem you solved outside of work/school.”

• “How do you approach ambiguous situations?”

TeamworkGauge your collaboration skills• “Give an example of how you worked effectively in a diverse team.”

• “How do you handle conflicts within a team?”

Failure and ResilienceUnderstand how you handle setbacks• “Tell me about a time you failed. What did you learn?”

• “How do you deal with criticism?”

Career GoalsAssess fit with BCG’s culture and opportunities• “Why consulting? Why BCG?”

• “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

Strategies to Master the “Why BCG?” Question

Now I want to do a deeper dive on the “Why BCG?” question since it can truly make or break your chances.

Be ready to explain specifically why you’re so jazzed about BCG and not just consulting generically.

Demonstrating BCG Knowledge

Prove you’ve done your homework by referencing:

  • Recent BCG projects or new business initiatives that interest you
  • Thought leadership articles or white papers they’ve published that resonated with you
  • BCG methodologies or capabilities like Digital Ventures that you find impressive

Set Google Alerts to stay on top of their latest thought leadership and news. Check their Insights section regularly.

Connecting BCG’s Values to Yours

BCG cares deeply about cultural add. Show how your values and goals align with their core values:

  • Integrity
  • Diversity
  • Social Impact
  • Client Value
  • Respect for the Individual

For example, if you care about sustainability, mention their Climate Action work and how you’d love to contribute.

Showcasing Your Research

Demonstrate you understand BCG well beyond surface-level info. Mention things like:

  • Insights from informational interviews with BCGers
  • Specific practice areas or offices you’re interested in
  • BCG’s growth and performance metrics compared to competitors

This proves you’ve put in the time beyond a quick Google search.

Crafting a Memorable Response

To really stand out, use what I call the “Personal Connection” technique:

  • Identify something genuinely unique about BCG that gets you amped up
  • Tie it to a personal experience or passion of yours
  • Explain how this makes BCG the perfect place for you to grow and add value

Here’s an example:

“I’m especially excited about BCG’s work in digital transformation. In my internship at a tech startup, I saw firsthand how digital tools can reimagine entire industries. BCG’s recent e-commerce project helping a retailer completely reinvent their model aligned perfectly with my interest in leveraging tech to drive business impact. I can’t wait to work on innovative projects like that.”

This shows sincere passion and helps you stick in their mind well after the interview.

Strategies for Delivering Winning Responses

Now let’s talk about strong delivery, because how you answer matters just as much as what you say.

Structuring Responses for Clarity

A crisp structure makes your answers easy to digest. Use techniques like:

  • The Rule of Three – Organize thoughts into three clear points when possible. It’s memorable.
  • Signposting – Guide them through your response with phrases like “There are 3 reasons…”
  • The Sandwich Method – Open with a summary, provide details, and then recap key points.

Using STAR for Behavioral Questions

The STAR method is key for behavioral and situational questions:

  • Situation – Set the context
  • Task – Your role/challenge
  • Action – What steps you took
  • Result – The outcome and impact

Practice telling stories aloud to keep them to 2-3 minutes.

Balancing Brevity and Details

Consulting is about communicating clearly and concisely. Demonstrate this in your interview by:

  • Keeping initial answers for around 2 minutes
  • Providing more detail if asked follow-up questions
  • Starting with main points, providing support, then giving context

This shows you can tailor your level of detail to the audience.

Demonstrating Self-Reflection

BCG loves learning agility. Use phrases like “This experience taught me…” or “In hindsight, I would have…” to demonstrate growth and self-reflection.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in BCG Fit Interviews

While you prepped your answers, beware of these common missteps:

  • Generic, unprepared responses – Get specific!
  • Vague claims without examples – Back it up with stories and data.
  • Forgetting to highlight important skills – Make sure you demonstrate key competencies like leadership, problem-solving, communication, etc.
  • Inconsistency across interviews – Keep your messaging aligned if you have multiple rounds.

Expert Tips for BCG Fit Interview Success

Here are some of my top insider tips to help you really ace your BCG fit interview:

Prepare a Diverse Story Bank

Develop a matrix with BCG’s key competencies on one axis and different types of experiences on the other (academic, work experience, extracurriculars, etc). Fill the grid with stories from your background that demonstrate those skills in those settings. This ensures you have a robust set of examples to pull from.

Practice Active Listening

The fit interview is a two-way conversation. Enhance your listening skills to pick up on verbal and non-verbal cues from your interviewer. Be ready to tailor your responses based on their reactions and follow-up questions.

Demonstrate Cultural Fit

Remember, they’re assessing if you’d be enjoyable to work with. Show enthusiasm, lean forward, make eye contact, and look for common ground with the interviewer. Ask thoughtful questions to learn more about their experience at BCG.

Ask Insightful Questions

The questions you ask are critical. Prepare 3-5 thoughtful queries using the “Insight Ladder”:

  • Start broad – e.g. BCG’s strategy and new capabilities
  • Get specific – e.g their particular practice area
  • End with forward-looking questions about the industry’s future challenges and opportunities

This shows depth of thinking and genuine curiosity – qualities BCG values highly.


We’ve covered a lot of ground! The BCG fit interview definitely takes work, but you’ve got this.

Remember, the goal is to have an authentic conversation focused on the best version of you. BCG wants to get to know the real you in all your awesome uniqueness!

Keep in mind the “Authenticity Amplifier” principles:

  • Be genuine in your responses
  • Show enthusiasm for the opportunity
  • Share how your one-of-a-kind experiences would add value at BCG

I’m excited for you as you embrace this next step in your consulting journey. And you’re going to totally rock this!


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