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How to Answer “Why BCG?” Interview Question

Flavio Soriano

Flavio Soriano

Former Arthur D Little and McKinsey Consultant

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How to Answer “Why BCG?” Interview Question

Getting asked “Why BCG?” in a consulting interview can feel like being put on the spot. It’s a big moment.

Mess up your answer, and you might blow your chances. Nail it, and you could win over the interviewer in an instant.

But don’t stress! As an experienced consultant, I’m here to walk you through exactly how to craft a killer “Why BCG?” answer.

One that shows off your research skills and gets the interviewer seriously excited about you joining the team.

Let’s get started.

What is the Reason Behind “Why BCG?” Question

The question may sound simple. But it reveals a lot about you as a candidate.

Here’s what interviewers are really looking for with this sneaky little question:

Do You Genuinely Want This Job?

The interviewer wants to know you’re pumped about BCG specifically. Not just vaguely interested in consulting.

A generic “you seem like a cool company” won’t cut it.

You need to prove you’ve done your homework. And genuinely want to be part of the BCG fam.

Have You Done Your Research?

They want to see you understand what makes BCG unique. Their approach, culture, values, all that good stuff.

No faking it here. Gotta prove you know your BCG facts.

Can You Sell Yourself?

It’s showtime! This is your big chance to pitch how you’d be an amazing fit for BCG.

You know, thanks to all those late nights Googling the crap out of the firm.

Time to wow them with your knowledge.

Would You Fit the Culture?

Most firms say they value culture fit. But BCG really means it.

They want to know you’ll thrive in the BCG environment. And embody their core values.

So give them a peek at the real you. And how you’d blend in with the BCG crew.

Think of “Why BCG?” as your fast pass to prove you’ve got the brains, passion, and cultural match to crush it at BCG.

Now let’s get into how to prep a boss-level answer.

Step 1: Research BCG’s Unique Attributes

First things first: learn what makes BCG different.

Go beyond the standard “about us” page. Dig deeper on their:

Unique Culture and Values

  • Teamwork. BCGers live collaboration. They tackle challenges in squads. And value working openly and cooperatively.
  • Diversity and inclusion. BCG cares about creating an environment where everyone can thrive. And encourages employees to be their authentic selves.
  • Growth and development. BCG invests heavily in career growth through training, mentorship, and new experiences.

For example, BCG’s “Values in Action” program shows their commitment to ethics and social responsibility. Mentioning shared values like these can score major points.

Standout Projects

BCG’s got an impressive track record across many industries, like:

  • Digital transformation
  • Sustainability
  • Healthcare innovation

Look up case studies in your specific interests. And find projects you’d genuinely be excited to work on.

Approach to Problem Solving

Get familiar with BCG’s signature problem-solving frameworks, like:

  • Growth-Share Matrix
  • Strategy Palette
  • Digital Transformation Approach

Being able to discuss these methodologies shows you’re already thinking like a BCG consultant. Major brownie points there.

The more you can discover about BCG’s unique attributes, the better. This info will seriously up your answer game.

Step 2: Align Your Background with BCG’s Vision

Next, start drawing connections between your background and BCG’s needs.

Your goal here is to show how you’d be an insane value add due to your specific experiences.

A few ideas:

For Scientists

Got a science background? Flaunt it! BCG loves recruiting PhDs and scientists for their analytical chops.

Talk up how your research skills would lend a logical, data-driven approach to tackling business issues.

And name some industries where your expertise would provide unique insights. Think healthcare, biotech, environment, etc.

For Analytical Thinkers

BCG looks for killer problem-solving and analytical abilities in all their consultants.

Discuss complex problems you’ve cracked in past jobs using your badass analysis skills.

Prove you’ve got what they need.

Show You’re Adaptable

BCG works across a ton of different industries and business challenges.

Highlight how you’re quick to adapt and master new topics. Maybe mention:

  • Past cross-disciplinary projects
  • Times you rapidly learned new industries
  • How your curiosity helps you pivot quickly

The goal is to connect the dots between their needs and your unique value.

Step 3: Showcase Your Network and Personal Connections

Got any connections at BCG? Now’s the time to drop those names.

Even if you don’t, you can still discuss:

Positive Experiences You’ve Heard

Have colleagues or friends who’ve worked at BCG? Share specific praise you’ve heard about the culture.

This shows you come vetted.

Why Their Culture Appeals

Explain what aspects of BCG’s culture and environment match your values. Be specific about why you think you’d thrive there.

Shared Values

What BCG values really resonate with you? Talk up why you’re aligned on ethics, social impact, integrity, teamwork, etc.

Remember, namedrop judiciously. Focus on how your connections shaped your interest in BCG. Not on who you know.

Step 4: Highlight BCG’s Commitment to Diverse Backgrounds

One awesome thing about BCG is they build some mega diverse teams. Time to make yours shine.

Play the PhD Card

If you’ve got a PhD or other advanced degree, highlight BCG’s commitment to recruiting PhDs.

Discuss how your research background brings valuable hard skills and a creative problem-solving approach.

Praise the Training

BCG invests heavily in skill-building and career development.

Mention how their training opportunities get you amped to keep learning. Show you’re down with their “lifelong learning” philosophy.

Tout Cross-Functional Chops

BCG teams blend different backgrounds and strengths.

Talk up experiences where you led or worked on cross-functional teams. And how you value diverse perspectives.

Showing you’re on board with BCG’s emphasis on variety will hit the spot.

Step 5: Express Enthusiasm for BCG’s Global Opportunities

As a truly global firm, BCG gives you opportunities to work abroad or with international clients.

Time to get hyped about going global.

Name Drop Cool International Projects

With offices in over 50 countries, BCG tackles challenges all over the world.

Discuss specific international projects that ignite your inner jetsetter. Show you’re pumped about globetrotting.

Praise Local Office Initiatives

Points if you can mention programs or focus areas for the specific office you’re applying to. Prove you did your homework.

Align with BCG’s Global Vision

Share how you envision international experience fitting into your long-term career goals.

Maybe mention any language skills or overseas gigs that have primed you for this global adventure.

Step 6: Craft a Compelling Personal Narrative

Don’t just rattle off facts about BCG. Make your answer meaningful by sharing your story.

Use the STAR Model

The STAR interview method comes in handy here:

Situation: Set the context by explaining your background.

Task: Describe your career goals.

Action: Share how you’ve prepared yourself for BCG specifically.

Result: Wrap up by nailing the landing on why BCG is the ideal next step for you.

Get Vulnerable

Reveal what motivates you. Discuss personal anecdotes or values that shaped your interest in consulting.

Getting personal makes you memorable. And more human.

Balance Ambition with Passion

Def share your career ambitions at BCG. But also express genuine excitement about the company itself.

Talk about specific parts of the culture that give you the warm and fuzzies.

Step 7: Practice and Refine Your Response

You’ve built an awesome answer. Now it’s time to practice like a boss.

Rules of Three and SUCCESS

Make your answer:

  • 60-90 seconds long. Don’t ramble.
  • Structured around 3 key points. Hook ’em fast.
  • SUCCESsful: Start strong, End strong, Be Concise, Clear, Enthusiastic, and Specific.

Prep for Curveballs

Expect follow-up questions like:

  • Why consulting over other fields?
  • How BCG differs from competitors?
  • How you’d contribute to BCG?

Plan quality sound bites that knock those out of the park too.

Get Feedback

Practice with mentors, coaches, or friends. Ask for honest feedback.

Record yourself and review the footage. Fine tune until you’re pitch perfect.

With enough practice, you’ll totally crush it.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

These rookie moves spell disaster. Steer clear of:

Vague, Generic Answers

Avoid fluffy claims like “BCG is a great firm” or “You do cool work.”

Back up every point with examples of projects, values, and other specifics that get you jazzed.

Seeming Self-Obsessed

Don’t just brag about how BCG will advance your career.

Balance ambition with genuine passion for the company. And discuss how you’ll contribute.

Lack of Evidence

Empty claims without proof of research won’t fly.

Always cite real examples, data, or anecdotes to back up your points.

Expert Tips to Stand Out

Take your answer to the next level with these pro tips:

Flex Your Industry Knowledge

Highlight recent BCG content in your target industry. Or discuss industry trends where BCG leads.

Show you’re not just consulting-curious, but have industry-specific insights.

Show Long-Term Commitment

Prove consulting isn’t just a brief career blip for you.

Discuss how BCG will fuel your professional growth for the long haul.

Spotlight Your Superpower

What’s your “special sauce” that makes you a prized hire? Feature your niche skills, passion areas, or expertise.

Try the BCG STAR Approach

Here’s a formula I created as an expert in this field to help candidates structure their answer. I call it the BCG STAR Approach:

  • Background: Briefly explain your relevant background and how it led you to consider BCG.
  • Connection: Highlight the connections between your experiences and BCG’s work.
  • Growth: Discuss how BCG aligns with your growth aspirations.
  • Strengths: Emphasize the unique strengths you bring to BCG.
  • Teamwork: Show your understanding and appreciation of BCG’s collaborative culture.
  • Ambition: Articulate your ambitions and how they align with BCG’s mission.
  • Research: Demonstrate your in-depth research on BCG’s recent work and initiatives.

Following this model ensures you hit all the key points in your answer.

Bring It All Together

Crafting a winning “Why BCG?” answer takes time and effort. But the prep pays off big time.

Remember to:

  • Show you deeply understand BCG’s distinctive qualities and approach
  • Connect the dots between your background and their needs
  • Back up every claim with real examples and specifics
  • Share your personal story and motivations
  • Practice until you can smoothly deliver your killer pitch

With the steps in this guide, you’ll nail this make-or-break question. And show you’re the consummate BCG fit.

Now go out there and totally own your consulting interviews! You got this.

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