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Expert Tips to Ace the McKinsey Imbellus Problem Solving Game

Flavio Soriano

Flavio Soriano

Former Arthur D Little and McKinsey Consultant

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Expert Tips to Ace the McKinsey Imbellus Problem Solving Game

You’ve heard that it’s tough, it’s tricky, it’s a make-or-break moment. But what if you could crack it?

As someone who has gone through the McKinsey Imbellus problem solving game, I know the frustration firsthand. But after discovering little-known strategies, I now ace these puzzles consistently.

In this article, I’ll share expert tips to help you solve these brainteasers swiftly and accurately. 

What is The McKinsey Imbellus Problem Solving Game?

The McKinsey Imbellus Problem Solving Game is a test presented in a game format. It replaced McKinsey’s old-school Problem Solving Test as part of their hiring process.

The idea behind the game format is to evaluate candidates’ thinking abilities and problem-solving skills in a more fun and interactive way. The game is also designed to be cheating-proof, unlike paper tests.

Typically, the Problem Solving Game has two mini-game scenarios that candidates play through over the course of 70 minutes total. The two most common scenarios are:

  • Ecosystem Building
  • Plant Defense or Redrock Study

Occasionally, you may encounter other mini-game scenarios like Disaster Management, Disease Management, or Migration Management instead. But Ecosystem and Plant Defense are by far the most prevalent.

Let’s explore these two standard games more closely so you know exactly what to expect:

Ecosystem Building

In the Ecosystem Building game, your goal is to create a stable ecosystem in either a mountain or coral reef environment. To accomplish this, you’ll need to carefully pick 8 species out of a provided list of 39 options.

The key challenges are:

  • Analyzing the environmental factors like temperature and elevation to ensure living conditions are suitable for your species.
  • Balancing the nutritional needs across species in the food chain. No species can be completely eaten to extinction.
  • Making thoughtful choices to construct an ecosystem that can be sustained long-term.

Plant Defense

This fast-paced, turn-based mini-game is reminiscent of popular tower defense video games. Your objective is to protect a native plant in the center of a grid from waves of invading enemy species. You have a variety of defensive tools at your disposal.

The key gameplay elements are:

  • Strategically placing different land types like forest, rocky ground, and cliffs. These act as obstacles to slow down invaders.
  • Deploying defender units like Bobcats, Falcons, and Wolves to actively eliminate threats. Each has different skills.
  • Carefully managing your limited resources and planning ahead for surprises. The waves keep coming!

The 5 Key Skills Being Tested

Businessman in his office making Ok sign

At its core, the McKinsey Imbellus game is engineered to measure five cognitive strengths that drive success in consulting roles:

Critical Thinking

Razor-sharp critical thinking is an absolute must-have for consultants. The Imbellus game will challenge your ability to analyze complex information, recognize patterns, and draw logical conclusions.

For example, in the Ecosystem Building scenario, you’ll need to critically evaluate the environmental needs of each species and how they fit together in the larger ecosystem. Picking cool animals isn’t enough – you must construct a functional system.

To sharpen your critical thinking, try using the “5 Whys” technique when facing problems. Ask “why” five times to unpack root causes and make hidden connections. Powerful stuff!

Decision Making

Consultants make big decisions every single day, often with incomplete data. The Imbellus game recreates this high-stakes environment by forcing quick, confident choices using limited information.

In Plant Defense, you must deploy your defenses without knowing exactly where the next wave will strike. It’s about weighing probabilities, managing risks, and committing decisively to a plan of action.


Ever heard of metacognition? It’s the ability to monitor your own thought processes. Developing this self-awareness allows you to recognize when your problem-solving strategy is failing and swiftly change course.

As you play the game, pay close attention to your thinking. Are you getting overwhelmed by details? Making assumptions without evidence? The skill to step back and objectively assess your own cognitive performance is so valuable.

Try keeping a thinking journal during practice games. Jot down your strategies, wins, mistakes – this reflection will uncover patterns to improve your skills.

Situational Awareness

In consulting, you must monitor many moving parts simultaneously. The Imbellus game will test your ability to juggle multiple factors in a dynamic environment.

For example, in Plant Defense you’ll need to track enemy movements, resource usage, and future threats at the same time. It’s intense!

To build your situational awareness, try this Peripheral Vision exercise: Focus on a point for 1 minute and use your peripheral vision to notice as many environmental details as possible. This really expands your ability to process more information at once.

Systems Thinking

Understanding how parts of a complex system influence each other is crucial for consultants tackling interconnected business problems.

The Ecosystem Building scenario brilliantly tests your systems thinking skills. You must consider how changes to one species could potentially impact the health of the entire ecosystem.

To develop your systems thinking, create visual maps of complex problems showing key elements and their relationships. This technique helps you identify important connections you might otherwise miss.

Strategies for Dominating the Ecosystem Building Scenario

Succeeding in the Ecosystem Building game requires sharp strategic thinking and careful environmental analysis. Here are field-tested steps to excel at this complex mini-game:

1. Thoroughly Analyze Environmental Factors First

Before even considering species selection, closely study the provided environmental specifications like temperature, elevation, pH, rainfall, etc. Pay extra attention to the acceptable range for each factor rather than just the absolute numbers.

Here’s a table summarizing the key parameters. This handy reference will help you choose suitable species:

Terrain Factor Acceptable Range
Temperature 10°C – 25°C
Elevation 300m – 1200m
Rainfall 800mm – 1500mm per year
Soil pH 6.0 – 8.5

2. Build Your Ecosystem in Layers

When selecting species from the list of 39 options, strive to create a diverse and sustainable ecosystem. Follow this strategic pyramid approach from the ground up:

  • Start with 2-3 Plant/Coral Producer species as the base of your food chain. Double check they can thrive within the stated environmental tolerances.
  • Add 4-5 Primary Consumer species that can live off your plant/coral producers. Calculate if the calories provided by the producers meet the primary consumers’ dietary requirements.
  • Include 2-3 Secondary Consumer species that prey on the primary consumers you picked. Again, carefully calibrate their caloric intake needs.
  • Top it off with 1 Apex Predator to sit at the peak of the pyramid. Confirm your chosen predator has enough secondary consumer prey to feed on.

This layered trophic structure provides stability across the food chain.

3. Precisely Balance the Nutritional Needs

Pay close attention to properly balancing the energy needs between trophic levels. Use this formula as a guideline:

Predator Calories Needed < Prey Calories Provided

Prey Calories Provided > Predator Calories Needed + Buffer

The buffer accounts for losses due to waste and ensures the prey population remains sustainable as a food source over time. Generally aim for a 20-30% caloric buffer.

For example:

  • Deer (Prey) Calories Provided = 5,000
  • Wolf (Predator) Calories Needed = 2,000


  • Wolf Calories Needed (2,000) < Deer Calories Provided (5,000) – YES!
  • Deer Calories Provided (5,000) > Wolf Calories Needed (2,000) + 30% Buffer (2,600) – YES!

If any species fails these nutritional checks, swap it out until all food chain links are balanced.

4. Simulate Long-Term Sustainability

Think beyond just establishing your ecosystem – consider how it might evolve over multiple generations. Are there any instability risks that could arise down the line from overpopulation or starvation?

Mentally simulate how your ecosystem might change over decades. Tweak your species selection to maximize long-term stability. This forward-thinking approach is vital.

Strategies for Dominating the Plant Defense Scenario

Succeeding in this intense tower defense game requires a blend of proactive planning and adaptability. Follow this battle-tested blueprint:

1. Establish a Comprehensive Pre-Emptive Defense

Use the initial planning phase wisely. Develop a robust defensive network covering probable enemy approach paths. Construct layers of protection surrounding your central plant:

  • Inner Ring: Place short-range, high-damage defenders like Wolves for up-close strikes.
  • Middle Ring: Use slowing Terrain pieces like Forests & Cliffs plus mid-range fighter units.
  • Outer Ring: Deploy long-range units like Falcons to begin attacks early.

This interlocking system provides flexibility to respond.

2. Analyze Invader Behavior – Then Adapt Accordingly

Pay close attention as the waves attack to spot patterns and preferences in how the invaders move and act. Then evolve your defensive strategy to capitalize on these attack tendencies.

For example, if the invaders consistently favor moving along the map edges, shift more defenses to reinforce those hot zones. Quick adaptation is critical.

3. Proactively Plan for Future Waves

At all times, envision threats 2-3 waves ahead. Ask yourself:

  • If I use this Wolf now, how many turns before I can deploy another?
  • If Invaders breach the Forest, what’s the next obstacle in their path?
  • Which direction seems vulnerable to new waves?

This forward-thinking mentality enables a proactive defensive posture.

4. Carefully Balance Resource Use

Manage your terrain placements and defender deployments with the big picture in mind. Try to think 8-10 turns ahead. Conserve enough defenses to withstand upcoming waves without over-exposing yourself in the current turn.

For instance, consider holding off on that Falcon if more dangerous flyers emerge later. Finding the right short-term vs long-term balance is crucial.

Tips for Imbellus Success

Modern man checking social media on laptop

Now let’s get into some tried and true tips to help you thrive in the McKinsey Imbellus Problem Solving Game:

Carefully Read ALL Instructions

I can’t emphasize this enough – carefully reading every single instruction is critical. The game is testing your ability to absorb complex directions, so don’t just jump right in.

Take a few minutes upfront to slowly and thoroughly read the rules and guidelines for each scenario. Yes, it may feel tedious, but it’s an investment that will pay dividends later.

Manage Your Time Wisely

Remember, you decide how to allocate 70 precious minutes between the two game scenarios. A proven time management strategy is what I call the 40-30 Split:

  • Spend 40 minutes on Ecosystem Management. This provides sufficient time for thorough analysis.
  • Reserve 30 minutes for the intense Plant Protection scenario. The faster pace often needs more trial and error.

Stick to these time limits, even if your ecosystem isn’t perfect yet. It’s better to have two completed games than perfecting just one.

Take Notes During the Game

With so much happening, don’t rely solely on your memory. Keep a notepad and jot down key data, strategies you’re considering, and observations about what’s working or failing.

This not only helps organize your thinking but also shows your ability to manage and synthesize complex information – an invaluable consulting skill.

Practice Basic Mental Math

You won’t need to be a math whiz, but having solid mental math skills can provide an edge in the Imbellus game. You’ll need to make quick calorie and resource calculations on the fly.

Brush up on times tables, percentage estimates, unit conversions, and basic algebra. The faster you can crunch numbers mentally, the more brainpower you can devote to strategic thinking.

Apply the 80/20 Rule for Decisions

Ever heard of the Pareto Principle or 80/20 rule? It says 80% of outcomes result from 20% of causes or factors. Apply this thinking to your in-game decision making.

Don’t get bogged down chasing perfection on every minor detail. Focus your energy on the 20% of elements that will drive 80% of the ecosystem or defense impact.

Make the best call with available data, then commit and move forward decisively. Done is often better than perfect in consulting!

To further improve your performance, be aware of these common mistakes and their solutions in the Imbellus game:

Common Mistake Impact Solution
Ignoring environmental factors Ecosystem collapse Create a checklist of all environmental factors to review before species selection
Overusing powerful defenders Resource depletion Implement a balanced defense strategy using a mix of low and high-cost units
Focusing solely on predator-prey relationships Unstable ecosystem Consider indirect relationships like competition and mutualism
Reacting to each wave individually Lack of long-term strategy Develop a flexible multi-wave defense plan
Neglecting to adjust strategy mid-game Failure to adapt to changing conditions Implement regular strategy review points during the game

Preparation Strategies to Beat the Imbellus Game

With the right preparation, you can absolutely crush the McKinsey Imbellus test. Here are some tips to get game-ready:

Play Strategic Video Games

Games like SimCity, Civilization, and tower defense games can sharpen your resource management and strategic planning abilities.

Aim for games with complex systems, tight resource constraints, rapidly changing dynamics, and pressure to adapt quickly. Even 30 minutes of gaming per day can tune your strategic reflexes.

Practice Logic Puzzles

Crosswords, Sudoku, brain teasers – logical reasoning puzzles of all types build critical thinking stamina. Sites like Brilliant offer a wide variety to choose from.

Set aside time daily to work through a few puzzles, progressively increasing the difficulty level. Get comfortable approaching unfamiliar problems and developing creative solutions.

Build Situational Awareness

Head to a cafe and try this observation exercise: Take note of as many environmental details as possible using all your senses. Then close your eyes and recall everything you noticed. This boosts situational awareness.

Develop Systems Thinking

Pick a complex system you’re familiar with, like your workplace. Diagram the key elements and how they influence each other. Look for connections and feedback loops. Practicing this technique prepares you for visualizing ecosystems.

Final Words

To summarize, here are the most crucial tips for dominating the McKinsey Imbellus Problem Solving Game:

  • Understand the game structure and optimal time management strategies
  • Hone the 5 cognitive skills tested: Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Metacognition, Situational Awareness, and Systems Thinking
  • Carefully read ALL instructions and take notes during the game
  • Use the scenario-specific strategies outlined above
  • Play games and puzzles daily to build strategic thinking stamina
  • Set up a distraction-free, technically flawless environment on exam day
  • Stay calm, flexible, positive, and fully engaged throughout the game

The Imbellus game is designed to evaluate your raw problem-solving talents. With the right preparation and strategies, you can absolutely crush this test! I know you have what it takes.

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